All the staff have been presented with a small jar of honey. The rest has been left in the hive for the bees to to feed on over winter. There should be lots for you all to try in the spring!
The traditional Year 4 campover went ahead as normal although it had to be virtual this year. Parents, children and their teachers embraced the whole camping experience and other planned activities. Parents have camped out with their children, sometimes including the whole family, they have made sleeping spaces under the stairs, they have built campfires and have cooked outdoors! They will never forget their 2020 Campover experience and hopefully they have all made some lasting family memories.
This morning they also had a virtual toothbrushing session via zoom to check they had all done their teeth and discuss their nights sleep!
Week 2 of recipes from our caterers - Enjoy! If you make any, send a picture to and we will send it on to CH&Co our caterers. Click the link
Our caterers are sending some weekly recipes for you to try if you like to help out in the kitchen. They look delicious! If you make any, send a picture to and we will send it on to CH&Co our caterers. Click this Link - "From the Kitchen"
" I feel very proud of you all for working so hard with all your new type of lessons which your kind teachers are making for you.! I shall look forward to seeing you all soon . In the mean-time - Remember to "Keep smiling, and do your very,very best !"
With lots of good wishes to you all, from Mrs Teesdale (Senior)